Today in Jackson, United States

Cloudy. Low 66F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.

Thunderstorms in the morning will give way to cloudy skies late. Potential for severe thunderstorms. High 79F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.

This weather data was last updated 2024-05-17 03:53:46.




5 days on...

  • Tonight Cloudy
  • Tomorrow AM T-Storms
  • Tomorrow night Shwrs Late
  • Saturday PM T-Storms
  • Saturday night M Clear
  • Sunday M Sunny
  • Sunday night Clear
  • Monday Sunny
  • Monday night M Clear
  • Tuesday P Cloudy

Mississippi Weather

Mississippi experiences a humid subtropical climate which is characterized by long summers and short winters. Temperatures average 95 degree Fahrenheit (35 degrees Centigrade) in July and about 48 degrees Fahrenheit (about 9 degrees Centigrade) in January. Temperatures in Mississippi don't vary that much during summer throughout the state, however in winter, the inland portion is usually colder than regions located at the outskates. Mississippi has a possibility of heavy snowfall throughout the state. Annual precipitation is generally higher in the south. Regions located close to the Gulf experience the most humid conditions. Snowfall generally occurs in the southern parts of the state although regions in the north do receive small amounts of snow as well. For more on Mississippi weather and climate of major cities in this state check here

Adverse Weather

During late summer and fall Mississippi has a high risk of hurricanes which move inland from the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricanes mostly affect the southern parts of the state with Hurricane Camille in 1969 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 which killed a total of 238 people and caused lots of damage. Thunderstorms are very common in the Deep South. Mississippi receives around 27 tornadoes per year. The northern part of the state experiences more tornadoes at the beginning of the year while the southern part of the state experiences more tornadoes later in the year. For more info on Mississippi adverse weather and other unpredictable weather conditions visit Mississippi Weather.Net.


The record low temperature recorded in Jackson was -5 degrees Fahrenheit (-21 degrees Centigrade) on the 27th of January, 1940. The record high temperature recorded in Jackson was 107 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Centigrade) on the 29th of July, 1930 and the 30th of August 2000. Average high temperatures per annum are 75.53 degrees Fahrenheit (24.18 degrees Centigrade). Average low temperatures per annum are 53.58 degrees Fahrenheit (11.99 degrees Centigrade). The hottest months are June and July which both have a month high average of 91.6 degrees Fahrenheit (33.1 degrees Centigrade). The moth with the lowest temperatures is January, which has a monthly low average of 35.3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.8 degrees Centigrade).

Touring Mississippi

We at Mississippi Weather.Net think the best time to travel to Mississippi is from November to January. This is the time when temperatures are quite moderate. Travelling to this place in summer can be unbearable if you are not used to the humid hot conditions.


Jackson is the capital of the state of Mississippi. Jackson experiences a humid subtropical climate which is characterized by hot and humid summers with mild winters. Precipitation is received throughout the year with winter and spring being the wettest seasons. Summer and early autumn are the driest seasons of the year. Snowfall in Jackson is rare and if it occurs it rarely lasts more than one day. Most of Jackson's rainfall is received during thunderstorms. About 70 days of thunderstorm are experienced per annum. Jackson is located in a region that experiences severe thunderstorms which can produce large hail and strong tornadoes which can be very damaging.


Gulfport is the second largest city in the state of Mississippi. Gulfport experiences a humid subtropical climate. Average high temperatures per annum are 78.8 degrees Fahrenheit (26.0 degrees Centigrade). Average low temperatures per annum are 56.6 degrees Fahrenheit (13.7 degrees Centigrade). The hottest month is the month of August which has a monthly high temperature average of 92 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Centigrade). The months with the lowest temperatures are December and January which both have low temperature monthly averages of 41 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Centigrade). Precipitation is received throughout the year with an annual average of 67.1 inches (1.704 mm).


Hattiesburg experiences a humid subtropical climate which is characterized by mild winters which are short and hot humid summers. Snowfall is very rare in this part of Mississippi although on the 11th of December 2008 Hattiesburg received around 3 -5 inches of snowfall. Hattiesburg is prone to thunderstorms which can bring in heavy rains, hail and tornadoes. Hattiesburg has an annual high temperature average of 78 degrees Fahrenheit (25.3 degrees Centigrade). Hattiesburg has an annual low temperature average of 53.9 degrees Fahrenheit (12.2 degrees Centigrade). July and August are the hottest months, both having average high temperatures of 92 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Centigrade). January is the month with the lowest temperatures and has an average low of 36 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Centigrade). Hattiesburg receives precipitation throughout the year with an annual average of 62.47 inches (1,586.7 mm). For weather information on other Mississippi cities check here

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